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About Hemp

And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed. And God saw that it was good.
— Genesis 1:12


The Basics

What is the difference between marijuana and hemp with naturally occurring CBD and CBG?

Researchers checking hemp plants in the field
Hand holding fresh marijuana leaf nature background


A Plant of Many Purposes

Both marijuana and hemp come from the Cannabis sativa L. plant; however, marijuana contains higher levels of THC, which is the component of the plant that is psychotropic. Hemp, by US law, is defined as having 0.3% or less THC and is not psychotropic (it will not get your pet “high”). Hemp has been grown for many purposes including fiber for textiles, food, clothing, housing materials, rope, and other products. In fact, material made from hemp has been dated to over 10,000 years ago and as such, it was likely the first crop ever cultivated by humans.

The Farm Bill

Until the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (aka the Farm Bill of 2018) was passed by Congress on December 12, 2018 and signed into law by President Trump the following week, hemp was an illegal substance in the United States. With the passing of the Farm Bill, hemp and hemp-derived products were legalized federally as long as they contain less than 0.3% THC. Marijuana; however, is still a controlled substance under the Controlled Substance Act and it is listed by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) as a Schedule I drug (high potential for abuse and generally considered to have no accepted medical use). While the federal status of marijuana remains unchanged, over 30 states have legalized medical marijuana and many states have legalized recreational use of marijuana.

Why should you purchase Dr. Fossum’s Pet Care hemp extract with naturally occurring CBD and CBG?

First, our products are created by veterinarians – for veterinarians – and their patients. We became interested in CBD because we wanted to treat our pets with it, but after doing some research, we quickly realized that there was a great deal of misleading information on the internet. We also saw that many of the products being sold were bogus; some were manufactured in a manner that was not optimal (meaning harmful residues or chemicals were in the product) or they actually contained little or, in any many cases, NO CBD. Hence, we began to develop our premium products and establish our Dr. Fossum’s Pet Care brand.

Dan on his back

DR. FOSSUM’S PET CARE Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract is a combination of two primary cannabinoids: CBD and CBG. You can find the concentration of each of these cannabinoids on our labels. Very few pet hemp products contain CBG because it is very expensive (it is known as the Rolls Royce of cannabinoids); however, there is evidence that CBD and CBG work synergistically to provide enhanced benefit. We have also added additional terpenes and a unique flavoring for each species to enhance palatability. We created our extract to deliver CBD and CBG at a precise amount per milliliter so we can more accurately quantify how much each patient is receiving (and as a prelude to our clinical trials in dogs and cats).

At DR. FOSSUM’S PET CARE, instead of using an inaccurate dropper we use oral syringes so you can more accurately quantify how much your companion is receiving per pound of body weight. To make it easier for you to administer the correct amount of CBD/CBG we provide separate concentrations for small, medium, and large dogs. We also have a cat and horse formulation.

See our Usage Guide to determine the exact amount recommended for your pet. Keep in mind that every animal is different in the way that they respond to cannabinoids, thus the amount that is most beneficial for your pet may differ from that recommended. Feel free to increase or decrease the amount until you find the right amount for your individual pet. 

Premium Products Require Quality Ingredients

We created our extract to deliver CBD and CBG at a precise amount per milliliter

we use only the highest quality ingredients

Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract

Scientist holding CBD cannabis oil bottle, close up

We purchase our hemp from small boutique farms where they plant and harvest with care. The hemp is extracted in small controlled batches.

At DR. FOSSUM’S PET CARE we believe it is critical to be involved with every aspect of the production of our product that will affect its quality – from the soil to shelf.

There should be no doubt that DR. FOSSUM’S PET CARE Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract is of the highest quality. We provide a third party Certificate of Analysis (COA) on each and every batch we process. You can access the certificate by scanning the QR code on the package.

The Science:

The Science

All mammals have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) which interacts with natural neurotransmitters in the body. When these endocannabinoids (or messengers) bind to receptors located throughout the brain and body they affect appetite, sensation, mood, memory, the immune system, and more. These same receptors are also responsive to external compounds, such as the plant based phytocannabinoids found in hemp. There are 100+ known phytocannabinoids in the hemp plant. Both the natural endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids are composed of lipids (fats or oils) and this is the reason that cannabinoids such as CBD are fat-soluble and why these extracts are often delivered in an oil base.

Terpenes & Flavonoids​

Terpenes and flavonoids are natural components of the cannabis